Weekly Owls Progress
February 5, 2018Welcome to our MINDFUL Practice
February 5, 2018The Caterpillars continued to practice mindful meditation and breathing exercises, concentrating on having “awareness,” and trying to listen to their bodies and minds. The caterpillars continue to surprise us all with how hard they try to be present in this practice, such powerful little minds and spirits they all have already!
The focus of the week was on Community Helpers, mainly concentrating on Doctors and Dentists. We discussed how Doctors help us, and to not be afraid of them, for they only wish to check and make sure you’re growing and that your body is healthy and strong. We also talked about how important it is to take care of our teeth, because having healthy teeth means having a healthy body. We went over what foods are good for our teeth and body, and what foods to eat only sometimes because they could be harmful to our teeth and body. All friends were very receptive and enjoyed acting out roles of both Doctors and Dentists in free play.
Everyone proceeded to play doctor, and friends thought it was so neat that they could be the ones to help take care of a grown up instead of the other way around. We cooked soup to helped make everyone feel better.
Friends explored the great outdoors with a magnifying glass, everyone was in awe by how much bigger things looked through it. They searched for worms, brightly colored leaves, dinosaur tracks, ghosts and more. How funny that the magnifying glass looked like a snake, and A. kept looking at it smiling then saying “ahh its a snake careful!”
All friends used watercolors to paint things a doctor may carry in their bag to help give check ups. Their pretend doctor bag included; some band aids, q-tips, a stethoscope, a sphygmomanometer (to check blood pressure), some gauze, and a wrap.
Afterwards friends proudly carried their doctor bags around the classroom.
Several days this week we took a field trip with the Dragonflies class to the Dome! Everyone loved it. We also discussed how important it was to take care of our teeth by brushing them and being mindful of what we eat; so we did a simple project. Friends used toothpaste to clean the tooth on the paper, the off white color paper gives the affect of the toothpaste “removing germs.” Friends were thorough and took their time cleaning the tooth. How FUN!
What an awesome week with these Caterpillars!